Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Long posts...

When I started this blog, I told myself I would not ever apologize for not writing more often. So, in good tradition of breaking my own rules...

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything new in what feels like an eternity.


I'm sorry that I'm not likely to post much more for the next month or so.

It's not that I haven't thought about writing. It's not that I got tired of writing. I enjoy writing and this blog gives me a perfect excuse to do that. And to chronicle our little lives. But the reality of our little life is that sometimes I am too busy living in it to stop and record it here.

And busy it has been.

June seemed to fly by and crawl by all at the same time. We had lots of fun events and outings, but they were marred by Natalie's seemingly never-ending sickness. She started the month off with a virus. Which turned into a cold. Which graduated into a rash that turned out to be hand, foot, and mouth disease. (It sounds a lot worse that it is- it's just a childhood illness, not a terminal sentence or anything.) Usually, it's contained to the (surprise!) hands, feet, and mouth. Natalie decided to get the rare version which gives you an all over body rash. That itches. Which, consequently, makes it difficult to sleep. (Just so you know, there is nothing on TV that is age appropriate for a 2-year-old at 3 in the morning.)

In the midst of all the sickness, however, there were highlights. We went to Southern Oregon for one of my closest friend's bridal shower. We spent time at the pool. We hung out with grandparents and brothers. We went to the zoo and the park. And, we found out that...

I am pregnant!

So that was June.

July is starting out just beautifully. No one is sick (except me, but only a little, and for a good reason.) and we had an amazing trip to California to visit family, spend some time away, and celebrate the 4th of July. It was a fantastic trip. Natalie played. And played. And played. We took walks in the woods. We floated in a lake. We got sun-burned. We sipped milkshakes and ate burgers and watched fireworks light up the sky. We spent time with family and just slowed life down. And, we found out that...

My brother and sister-in-law are pregnant!

And it's only July 6th!

Still in store for July: Natalie turns 2! Andrea comes to visit! We go to the Starr family reunion! We go to Disneyland! And then we all collapse. (Okay, hopefully not the last one, but it does seem likely.)

So again, sorry. Sometimes life is just worth living away from a computer screen.