Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Time Capsule Tuesday- Olive fingers

Natalie was exposed recently to the joy of olive fingers.  It started when she was with Grandma and Cierra, I think. Oh the joy of wearable food! (Sidenote: Remember candy necklaces?!  I loved those things.)

Since then, every time she sees me opening a can of olives she does a little dance around the kitchen, waving and wiggling her little fingers in the air. Yesterday, I gave her some grape tomatoes with dinner.  She loves tomatoes, so we were surprised to see her playing with them and squishing them around rather than inhaling them like she normally does.  Then we figured out what she was doing...

Man, I love this kid.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Counting It All Joy #44-93ish

It's been awhile....=)

Surgery gone well
Lessons in the kitchen
An easy packing experience
A chance to see family
Kisses goodbye
Bike riding
Crisp sunny days
The smell of the woods
Heart talks with my mom
Merry go rounds
Sunny day on the slopes
Promises made
Petting zoo!
Purple hands
The bond of Christ followers, despite differences
Little old men in woven sweaters, singing to the Lord
Bunny kisses
Hop, Hop!
The wonder and joy in little eyes
Candy filled cheeks
Details of the Passion remembered by young hearts
Getting dressed up
Apple blueberry crepes
A yummy meal, surrounded by family
Tiny little hand on his broad strong chest-fast asleep in Daddy's arms
Spring cleaning
Natalie falling asleep while eating
Being surrounded by amazing women, who are brave enough to bare souls
Natalie brushing her belly button with her toothbrush
Surprising extra medical money
Sweet street drummers
Joy in my husband's voice
The strength of his hand holding mine
Warm window panes
A pre-baby-like night
Another year celebrating my husband-Happy Birthday Keith!
Licking the spatula
The smell of birthday cake baking
Summer like weather-tank tops!
Long streaking white clouds on a blue sky
A perfect day
Laughing hard with my husband
Rhythmic breathing
Her head on my chest, fast asleep
Simple games
Penmanship articles
The Pout Pout Fish
Memories captured
Very cold milk

Still counting,

Friday, May 6, 2011

Frugal Friday-Free admission

Today is the first Friday of the month, which means something in our house. It means you're likely to find us at the Portland Children's Museum tonight wandering from room to room, watching Natalie explore and play. On the first Friday of each month, from 4-8pm, Target sponsors an evening at the Portland Children's Museum where admission is completely free. 

We've gone 3 times now (tonight will be #4) and each time has been a different, but great experience.  We were really expecting it to be insanely chaotic and crammed with people, but so far 2/3 times were really calm and surprisingly not busy. The last time we went it was much more crowded, but it was still a great experience. 

The Portland Children's Museum is so much fun, and is designed specifically for the toddler-preschooler crowd.  (Note to Children's Museum: We love you and would happily support you on non-free days, but seriously? Charging me $9 to watch my kid play is a little much.  I'm happy to fork over the cash for my kid, but if I'm going to spend $9 per person I'd like to walk out the door with a little more than an happy, but over-stimulated toddler.)

We love that Portland has so many fun places to go and explore with Natalie, but it's difficult when you're paying an arm and a leg for some of them.  Fortunately, there are many budget friendly ways to enjoy some of the great places to play in Portland.

Here's our top favorities:

Children's Museum: Free- first Friday of each month, 4-8pm (Free parking, too!)

Oregon Zoo: $4 admission second Tuesday of each month, all day ($2 parking, take the MAX and get $1.50 off your ticket, also if you print your ticket at home, parking is free, but I haven't tried this on a $4 Tuesday)

OMSI: $2 -First Sunday of each month, all day ($2 parking)

Another good option to explore some of the city's museums is using a pass from your local library. Washington County Libraries have a "Cultural Pass to Adventure" where you can get a family pass to many of the city's museums and gardens including the Children's Museum, Chinese Classical Gardens, The Japanese Gargen, Pittock Mansion and more.  It used to include OMSI, but sadly, I think they discontinued that. We haven't tried using the pass from the library yet, but we've heard it's super easy.

There are so many other cheap of free things to do in Portland.  This site has a great calendar of free and cheap events.

For us, getting out and exploring in the world is something that is important to us.  Like all parents, we want to provide fun, memorable, and (at least sometimes) educational experiences for Natalie.  Plus living in a city where it's cloudy 222 days a year and raining an average of 155 days per year (not that I'm counting or anything), it's nice to find some fun, dry, indoor activities to provide a little cheer.