Monday, May 9, 2011

Counting It All Joy #44-93ish

It's been awhile....=)

Surgery gone well
Lessons in the kitchen
An easy packing experience
A chance to see family
Kisses goodbye
Bike riding
Crisp sunny days
The smell of the woods
Heart talks with my mom
Merry go rounds
Sunny day on the slopes
Promises made
Petting zoo!
Purple hands
The bond of Christ followers, despite differences
Little old men in woven sweaters, singing to the Lord
Bunny kisses
Hop, Hop!
The wonder and joy in little eyes
Candy filled cheeks
Details of the Passion remembered by young hearts
Getting dressed up
Apple blueberry crepes
A yummy meal, surrounded by family
Tiny little hand on his broad strong chest-fast asleep in Daddy's arms
Spring cleaning
Natalie falling asleep while eating
Being surrounded by amazing women, who are brave enough to bare souls
Natalie brushing her belly button with her toothbrush
Surprising extra medical money
Sweet street drummers
Joy in my husband's voice
The strength of his hand holding mine
Warm window panes
A pre-baby-like night
Another year celebrating my husband-Happy Birthday Keith!
Licking the spatula
The smell of birthday cake baking
Summer like weather-tank tops!
Long streaking white clouds on a blue sky
A perfect day
Laughing hard with my husband
Rhythmic breathing
Her head on my chest, fast asleep
Simple games
Penmanship articles
The Pout Pout Fish
Memories captured
Very cold milk

Still counting,

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