Monday, November 14, 2011

A time for everything...

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens...Ecclesiastes 3:1

As a kid, I always thought it was weird when adults talked about seasons in life. 

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer- okay. But seasons of life? What on earth did that mean?

Now here I am as an adult and the same phrases are passing through my lips- "Yes, everything is going's been a very busy season in life."

Busy it has been. Keith and I have been looking for a rental house for some time now. (Translation: obsessively looking on Craigslist for over a year.) It finally paid of as we found a great house to rent in a great neighborhood. We found it right as September was ending, got the keys mid-October to clean and paint (and I mean CLEAN and PAINT!), and moved in just before November began. We are finally settled in, mostly unpacked, and even have some decorations up. Yeah!

Now we can finally relax...just in time for the Holiday season! Ha.

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