Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time Capsule Tuesday- Duck, Duck, Burrito

Keith and I love Baja Fresh for many reasons.

We love their pico de gallo and chips.  We love that it's fast, but not fast food.  We love that we can split a burrito and still feel full.  We love how friendly everyone is in there.  We love how clean the restaurant always is. We love that they put out coupons every week so we can eat for about $5 total.  We even love the high chairs they have because Natalie's clean cover thing fits into it just perfectly.  

Recently we watched an episode of Undercover Boss that featured the CEO of Baja Fresh.  (Ironically, on the same night that we happened to have had dinner there.)  If we didn't love it enough before, we love it even more now.  He was an amazing Christian man who was humble enough to admit where his company needed work, smart enough to really listen to the employees, generous enough to bless several individuals with great opportunities in the end, and brave (and obedient) enough to pray openly on national television- multiple times!  

But this post really isn't even about Baja Fresh.  (But seriously, give them business.  What a deserving company!)

It's about our adorable little girl who we take with us when we go there. 

Natalie's at that stage where (most of the time) she can follow directions well, so we're giving her more and more freedom in restaurants.  The last few times we've been to Baja Fresh, we've allowed her to walk on her own, following us to and from the table, salsa bar, drink center, etc.  That's where the cute part comes in. 

Baja Fresh has those rope lines directing people where to stand when waiting in line.  When walking from one area of the restaurant to another, you have to walk around them.  That is, unless you are only a couple of feet tall and then you can easily walk under them.  Somehow though, Natalie got it into her head that she might hit her head on it and started ducking, completely unnecessarily.  It was so cute that after the first time, Keith and I encouraged her to "duck!" the next time she passed under them.

Now every time she passes under them, she quacks.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading this over and over......I can't keep a smile off my face. Next time I have to duck, I'm going to quack!!!!
