Friday, April 15, 2011

Counting It All Joy #15-43

For these and so many more...

A call from my brother.  So proud!
Chapstick fun and voluntary thank yous
An office window view
News of a newborn
Waking to sunshine
Morning cuddles
Sound of keys in the door
Ketchup face
A surgery gone well
Grandparents-near and far
"Helloooooo" echoes
Surprised face
Life lessons in the kitchen
"Ellow!" (for yellow)
Sound of lawnmowers (hello Spring!)
Late night snuggles
Starting family foundations
Sun breaks at just the right time for my heart
Country landscapes
Uncontrollable giggles
Sore arms
Muscles to climb stairs with
Red roses
New schedules
Hand motions to songs
Christian kids music speaking to grown up hearts
Lazy days
The big "alllll" building

Still counting...


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