Friday, April 15, 2011

Frugal Friday- Franz Bakery Outlet

I'd love to be one of those women who fills her house every other day with the sweet smelling aroma of fresh oven-baked bread.

I'm not.

One, I can't cook. Two, I don't even like to cook.  And finally, we really just don't eat that much bread, so to put the effort out for a couple of slices, well, it's hard for this kitchen-illiterate wife to justify.

Still, I like to fantasize about doing it one of these days.  Sometimes I'll look up recipes online or flip through cookbooks.  I've even paused in front of the yeast section at the grocery store.  You see, even though I can't cook and I don't like to cook, I really want to like to cook.  I think that deep down I really just want to live on a farm and grow and bake all our food from scratch and milk a cow and all of that.  Or maybe I just read too many Little House on the Prairie books as a kid. 

Either way, for now, baking bread for us daily remains on my "to do someday" list and I'll continue to grab a loaf from the store.

We're a big fan of Franz bread.

Keith loves the Whole Grain White variety.
Natalie and I like the Columbia River Sweet Dark Multi Grain.
(If I had to be completely honest, I'm a total white bread person, but I've forced myself to switch.  The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead.)

I usually just buy our bread at whatever grocery store has the best price or whatever one I'm going to, but for the whole grain varieties, it sometimes gets expensive.  And to find affordable organic bread is even harder.

I had heard about the Franz bakery outlet and passed it once or twice, but had never actually made it in.

Last week I finally made it a priority to visit it.  It was fantastic!  We were on our way home from Winco and it's only a block or two out of the way, so it was well worth it.

We got a loaf of the Whole Grain White bread for $1.17. Usually I'm thrilled to find that kind for $2!
We also got a loaf of Organic Sweet Oats bread for $2.19. I have never found organic bread for that price.  Ever.

Another bonus is how friendly they are in there!  Natalie had fallen asleep and (very uncharacteristically) continued to sleep in my arms as I shopped.  The lady who checked me out whispered the whole time so as not to wake her and slipped a bag of frosted animal crackers into our bag for "when the little angel wakes up." You don't get that at other stores!

If you have an outlet near you, check it out!
Here's the one we went to:

Franz Bakery Outlet
10840 SW Cascade Tigard, OR 97223

Until the Laura Ingalls Wilder in me decides to make her grand appearance, I think I'll be frequenting this place. A lot.

1 comment:

  1. Yes you are Laura Ingalls Wilder in disguise. Someday........
