Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Time Capsule Tuesday- Precious Moments

As a kid, I always loved looking at those little Precious Moment figurines. Besides being adorable, they just did such a good job at capturing the emotion of each experience they represented.

Natalie is at such a great age.  

Fortunately for us, she copies EVERYTHING we do.
Unfortunately for us, she copies EVERYTHING we do.

It's a great feeling to be an example to her.  Terrifying, but great.

Recently she's picked up on my affinity for chapstick.  I'm not much of a lipstick girl, but chapstick is my best friend.  One day, I noticed her lips were a bit dry and I put some on her.  Since then, any time she sees the little tube come out she starts her little mantra,

"Mama! Mama! You, you, you, you, you!"

Interpretation: "Mommy! I see you have chapstick and I want some, I want some, I want some!"

(Natalie calls herself "you."  As much as we've tried to teach her to say "me" or "I" it's just not happenin'.  I don't mind really because when she's screaming "you, you, you!" at other children it sounds nicer than if she was screaming "me, me, me!"  People assume she's just a really enthusiastic sharer.)


The other day, we were in the car driving to Target. At a red light, I pulled out my chapstick and put some on.  She noticed.  I handed it back to her to let her put some on.  
What she did next just made my day week month.  Before she put any on she looks at me with those big smiling eyes and says "Mama, mama!" and then signs "thank you."  

Without. Being. Prompted.  

So very, very precious.

If only they could make a little figurine of that moment.

1 comment:

  1. My first Precious Moment girl, came to me in 1983, then again in 1999 I was given another Precious Moment little girl, and now again my 1983 Precious Moment child is sharing with me hers.

    I am so lucky!
