Tuesday, April 3, 2012

B is for Back on Track

Um, not sure how this didn't get posted...since I wrote it back in April...

Yes, after a nearly eight month hiatus, we are back on track with our alphabet scriptures. This week we've been learning all about the letter B. Our verse is "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ." Acts 16:30
Today we read all about Barnabus and how he showed Jesus love by sharing with others. We've kept it pretty simple otherwise- coloring bears, butterflies, and balloons.

Besides singing our verse to a tune (this week's was to the tune of "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes") we've also been singing the alpha friends songs. This week's was Benny Bear.
I didn't do a great job at taking picture of our B crafts, but here is "Rapunzel" with a background shot of the fridge with a couple of our B activities.

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