Thursday, May 3, 2012

Driving Miss Drive-Me-Crazy

I love my kids. I love them like crazy. But sometimes, they drive me nuts.

Today I wanted to run one errand before lunchtime.


If you have/had young kids you know that this isn't something you can just do. It takes pre-planned thought, extra effort, and about 40 extra minutes of what I (un)affectionately like to call "loading time."

So after everyone was fed, dressed, burped, changed, taken to the bathroom, cleaned up, hair done, toys picked up, chores done, pacis found, diapers and wipes reloaded, and I looked presentable enough to go in public without looking like a completely frazzled mess we make it to the door. Not out the door, mind you. To the door.
I am strapping in a screaming, tired infant into her car seat and repeatedly asking my two year old to "please put on your boots. No, don't touch that, that's yucky! Please get your boots on. Here's your coat- put your arms in. Please stop twirling so we can get your arms in. Please get your boots on. Don't give her the paci unless you ask me first please. Natalie Nicole get your boots on! Will you please just get your boots on?!

Deep breaths...

Out we all go into the driveway.
Baby in. Still screaming. Little Miss Natalie is admiring the neighbors flowers.

Deep breaths...

Everyone's loaded and buckled. Baby's sucking contentedly on her paci.

"Mommy my music?"
"Not right now baby."
"Because Mommy doesn't want any music right now baby."
(Translation: If I have to listen to silly songs right now something or someone may get chucked out the window.)
(Maybe if I just ignore the question...)

"Mommy where we go now?"
"The dollar store."
"To buy some things."
"Because we need squirt bottles and a small trash can."
"To clean with and to put dirty wipes in."
"So we can keep our house clean."

Deep breaths...

"No more why's today baby. You can ask why tomorrow."

"Ask your Daddy."

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