Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blessed Witnesses

*Meant to post this weeks ago!

The weekend before February 13th was a very normal one.

We took Natalie to Pump It Up on Friday night.
 We went to the zoo on Saturday.

We went to church on Sunday.
And then we witnessed a miracle on Monday.

Did you catch that?

Meet our little miracle:

No, there weren't any complications with labor or delivery.
No, she wasn't rushed to NICU upon her arrival.

She was simply born.

God took a tiny piece of imperfect me
  and a tiny piece of imperfect Keith

 and made this:

A beautiful, adorable, swollen-faced little miracle.

And people still need a sign that there is an all-powerful, awe-inspiring, endlessly-loving God?

Hello world. My name is Madilyn.

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