Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Time capsule Tuesday (a day late!)

Those cute things she does now...that I never want to forget!

Loves playing in puddles!

Puts lotion on Daddy's chin and cheeks because he is always scratchy...especially at night!

Says "neow" instead of "meow"

Calls socks "haaas."  Apparently it's a mix of hot and socks.  Socks do keep your feet warm- brilliant baby at work.

"Hides" under our glass table.

Is obsessed with RaRa (Cierra) and looks for her EVERYWHERE.

Platypus lips kisses

Open mouth kisses

Tells her own first joke.  This is how is goes:
Natalie: Points at the butterflies in her room.
Me: What's that?
Natalie: Quack, quack!
Me: That's not a duck silly!
Natalie: (Big goofy smile) Quack, Quack!
Me: (Tickling) That's not a duck you silly girl!

Loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Says "deeeeyurs" for "Cheers" and says "Dah" for Mickey (we think she's saying hot dog because of the hot dog dance, which is probably her favorite part of the whole show. She watches and kicks her little feet along with the characters.

Recognizes every color as "buuu!" (Blue), every letter as "tuh" for T and anything with a quantity as "two!"

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Natalie. Put lotion on daddys' faces is the best idea. Simple words for all our needs. It doesn't get better than that.
